Lead Testing and Inspection

What is Lead?

Lead is a heavy metal chemical that has many uses from being heavy, soft, and malleable. In the building industry, lead was commonly used in paint products as well as pipes, batteries, and other products. 

While lead has a number of uses, it also has its dangers. So many industries used lead-based paint in the early 1900s. This means that homes, buildings, structures, and maritime industries all feature some form of lead-based paint in them somewhere. 

Ingestion of lead by humans is poisonous. It damages the nervous system and causes brain damage. The US Congress has passed many laws as a result of lead and its dangers. 

EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) enforces many of the compliance regulations and OHSA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) enforces compliance on worker safety from lead-based paint exposure.

Lead Removal on houses, Lead-Based Paint Testing

Lead Paint Inspection

Lead-based paint is extremely common in buildings that were constructed before 1978. Older homes and properties will almost certainly need checking by a professional lead services inspector to determine the safety and check for toxicity. 

Our lead-based paint inspection, carried out by our team of qualified professionals can perform lead paint tests and check for the presence of lead in paint, as well as any potential lead contaminants that could have spread as dust to surrounding areas in the property. This is particularly important as touching or breathing in the dust that has been created from the deterioration of lead paint can be harmful to health and cause illness. 

Lead paint on wood, Lead-Based Paint Inspection

Paints with lead have now been banned by the government, but prior to this ban, they had been widely used in many homes, and places of work including commercial buildings, schools, childcare facilities, and apartment blocks. It was used because it was very durable and was quick to apply and dry down. In later years when more was discovered about its toxicity and the damage it could cause to human life, it was removed from use in buildings and banned from sale. 

In the last few decades research has shown that lead paint is highly toxic and can in fact cause very serious health problems if it is absorbed into the bloodstream, such as the brain, nervous system, and kidney issues. Milder illnesses such as headaches, skin rashes, and minor breathing difficulties have also been reported in association with lead poisoning, too. 

Our lead paint inspectors at MSE Environmental will test for the presence of lead by using an XRF Machine and may also request that paint and dust samples are sent to a laboratory for analysis and inspection. 

They can also identify if there are any hazards posed by lead in your home or on your commercial property - and will help you understand how to deal with these issues when they have been diagnosed.

There are two methods of lead testing. These are: 

  • Paint inspection - this determines the amount of lead that exists in painted surfaces in your home/place of work. 

  • Risk assessment - this identifies sources of lead exposure including paint and lead dust, it will tell you what actions are required to remedy this.

If you are moving into a new home or completing renovations on a home you currently live in then testing is advised, as it will highlight any issues with lead-based paints that need to be treated and dealt with accordingly by professional lead paint testing specialists. 

Lead Abatement Protocols

If lead has been detected anywhere in your home or commercial property then a lead abatement protocol will be needed to make sure that all the affected areas are dealt with safely and thoroughly. 

Our professional inspectors have carried out thousands of lead paint tests over the years and are trained to recognize and deal with these issues in a timely manner. Don’t be caught out by problems with old lead paint or other contaminants in your home or in your workspace. We can help you deal with them in an efficient and safe way. 

XRD Analyzer on Lead Paints

Always take professional advice and never attempt the removal of lead-based paint, or lead contamination from anywhere in your home or in your place of work. There are lead paint test kits available from online outlets and retailers, but these should be avoided as they are no match for the services of the professionals here at MSE Environmental. This could result in illness or injury and danger to others. 

The Rules for Lead Safety: Keeping Lives Safe Through Vigilance

In the name of safety, there are two strong guards who make sure that lead's potential dangers are lessened:

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):  Vital Part Of Keeping The World Safe

The EPA is a big part of keeping the environment safe. One of its most important jobs is enforcing rules that protect us from lead dangers. The EPA puts in place guidelines to keep people from lead exposure. These norms help the following achieve safe ways and surroundings without lead:

  • individuals

  • industries

  • organizations 

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): Fighter For The Health And Safety Of Workers

OSHA is vital to the lead safety story because it looks out for worker safety. It focuses on safeguarding workers who may be at risk of lead exposure. By setting standards, OSHA ensures that workplaces adhere to regulations protecting employees from the potential harm of lead exposure.

These agencies work in tandem, each contributing to a comprehensive framework of lead safety. Their work covers many topics, from protecting the earth to making sure workers are safe and healthy. The strict rules of the EPA and the safety of workers provided by OSHA make up a safety net that saves lives and makes everyone's life better.

As we learn more about how tough lead inspection and testing are, we must know how these groups work together. Their constant focus on safety shows the importance of following the rules. This unwavering dedication results in a world where lead dangers are kept at bay.

What Are The Expert's Role In Lead Inspection And Testing

As we learn more about lead safety, experts step into the spotlight and use their knowledge and skills to save lives:

  1. The Best Guide For Identifying Lead:

    • Lead inspection and testing experts act as guards using their knowledge to find and deal with lead-related risks. These experts know a lot about the qualities of lead, how people could be exposed to it, and the best ways to test for it and get rid of it.

  2. The Pros Find Traces Of Lead:  

    • This tough process makes it clear how vital expert lead inspection and testing is. These pros look at various places in an organized way to find lead-based paint. Their sharp eyes show a hidden world and make sure that any possible risks are seen and assessed correctly.

  3. How To Solve The Mystery Of Lead Dust: 

    • The story doesn't end with lead-based paint alone. The idea of lead dust comes into the mix, adding another risk layer. This dust, which comes from lead-based paint breaking down, could get into the air we breathe, making the risk of exposure even greater. The pros look at everything, including this part, to make sure everything is noticed.

  4. Tools With Great Accuracy For Solid Results: 

    • These pros stand out because they use high-tech lead inspection and testing tools. XRF machines and other high-tech tools are used to get exact results that guide the assessment process. This level of clarity makes sure that any lead that might be there can be found. It makes it easier to make good choices.

    As we journey with these experts, we see how carefully they check things and how much they care about keeping people safe. Their work helps us learn about lead and how it affects people, which makes homes safer.

MSE Environmental: Your Lead Solution Partner For Safety And Compliance

MSE Environmental is the best firm to work with when you need help with safety and compliance. This hard-working firm is a great example of how committed people can be:

  • A Champion For Lead Concerns: 

MSE Environmental works hard and correctly to find solutions to problems related to lead. As an industry leader, the firm knows how important it is to get rid of lead as soon as possible. MSE Environmental can solve any problem, whether it's in a home, a business, or an industry setting. Its goal is to make sure people are safe and healthy.

  • Services That Take Care Of Everything To Make Places Safe: 

MSE Environmental is one of a kind. This is because it has a wide range of carefully made services covering many lead safety areas. The company does lead inspection, testing, and risk assessments to discover the truth about lead and its health risks.

MSE Environmental Lead based paint inspection process
  • Inspect for Lead-Based Paint by XRF Analyzer & Bulk Sampling.

  • Perform Risk Assessments.

  • Lead Abatement Project Design.

  • Specification & Work Plan.

  • Project Management Oversight with Air & Personal Monitoring.

  • Post Abatement Clearance.


  • Paint Inspections – XRF Analyzer.

  • HUD Inspections.

  • Abatement Project Design.

  • Specifications & Work Plans.

  • Abatement Project Management.

  • Air & Personal Monitoring.

  • Post Abatement Clearance Testing.

  • Risk Assessments.

Our lead paint testing service is highly recommended if you are moving into a new home or commercial building and want to make sure it’s safe. If you are worried about exposure to lead or risk to life and health, then let us take the stress and hassle away from you.

We provide reliable, professional, and trustworthy lead services so you can be sure your building is safe, clean, and healthy. If you’d like to talk to us about any aspect of our lead service then please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Our lead paint removal cost is affordable and stress-free. 

For all your lead paint testing needs, contact us today. We’d be happy to assist you.

Learn more about the health effects of lead by clicking the button below: