MSE Environmental: The Safest Silica Testing And Inspection

What is Silica?

Silica is a natural mineral found in rocks, sand, and dirt. It is used in many building materials, like bricks, roads, farms, and buildings. Silica is used to make a lot of things, like glass, clay, and oil fracking.

However, being around silica dust can be bad for your health.

What is Silica Dust? Is Silica Safe? 

When silica is broken up into tiny pieces, like silica dust, it can get into the air and be breathed in. This can lead to many health problems, such as: 

  • Silicosis is a lung disease when you breathe in silica dust for a long time. This disease can make it hard to move or even kill you.

  • Lung cancer

  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). 

Silica testing and checks are vital to keeping people safe from health risks. 

What is Silica Testing and Inspection?

The silica dust in the air at a job site is measured during silica testing and inspection. This shows how much silica a person is exposed to and whether or not that exposure should be limited. Silica air testing method, water testing, or from things like sand are methods how to test for silica.

Why are silica testing and checks vital for the health of workers?

Breathing in silica dust can cause major health issues, so silica testing and checks are vital for worker safety. Silica testing helps find hazards. It lets employers take steps to protect workers from exposure.

According to OSHA, what is the permissible exposure limit for respirable crystalline silica?

Silica dust has a PEL (permissible exposure level) of 50 g/m3 for an 8-hour workday. This means that workers shouldn't be exposed to more silica dust than this limit. Either long-term or short-term exposure to silica dust risks one's health. OSHA requires firms to write an exposure control plan and guide workers on silica health risks.

Methods on How to Test for Silica

There are a few methods on how to test for silica:  

  • Silica air sampling method

  • water testing

  • and testing of materials such as sand

The silica air sampling method and how it is used

The silica air sampling method is the first method on how to test for silica. It includes taking samples of the air at a work site over time. The samples are then looked at to find out how much silica dust is in the air. This method is often used in building, mining, and manufacturing, among other fields.

The Silica Testing Method in Water

The silica testing procedure in water involves taking a sample of water and testing it to see if it has silica. This method is used to clean water. It is used to figure out how to look for silica in water. In the colorimetric study, a reagent is used to change the color of silica when it reacts with it.

Spectrophotometers can gauge the level of silica in water. Light is used to measure how much silica is in this tool.

Seeing how much silica is in sand

In addition to checking the air and water, there are ways to test the silica content of things like sand. Sand and silica testing procedures can vary on what is being tested and what kind of test is needed. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is one way how to test for silica in sand.

Why Does Silica Get Tested?

The Long-term and Short-term Exposure to Silica Dust

Silica testing helps find and prevent silica dust health risks. Long-term exposure can lead to severe lung diseases such as lung cancer, silicosis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Short-term exposure to silica dust in high levels can cause breathing issues like coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. 

Why it's important to test water for silica

There are several reasons why the silica testing method in water is vital. Silica may cause scaling and fouling in equipment, which can lower its output and cost more to maintain. When silica builds up in pipes and other systems, it causes rust and slows the flow. Business firms can improve their water treatment methods and keep costly tools from breaking down. This can be done by testing the amount of silica in the water.

The silica testing method in water is also vital for making sure the water is safe to drink. Some people can get sick from drinking water that has too much silica in it. Testing for silica makes sure that drinking water meets government standards.

Standards and Rules for Silica

The Most Common Form of Crystalline Silica and Its Effects on Health

Crystalline silica is the most common form found in nature. It is present in many rocks, including granite, sandstone, and quartz. And the most common form of crystalline silica is quartz. When crystalline silica is cut, ground, drilled, or in any other way disturbed, it can give off hazardous dust. If breathed in, crystalline silica dust could cause silicosis, lung cancer, and other lung diseases. 

The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard for Silica Sand

ASTM has a standard for silica sand used in fracking. ASTM D859-16 lists the chemical and physical features of breaking silica sand. The standard makes sure that the silica sand used in fracking is uniform and follows the rules.

Safety Rules for People Who Work with Silica

OSHA prescribes silica exposure to protect workers. These rules force business firms to limit their workers' exposure to silica dust and keep them safe. OSHA lets 50 g/m3 of silica dust into the air during an eight-hour job. Employers must figure out how much silica dust their workers are exposed to, write down a plan for managing that exposure, and teach them about it.

What Silica Exposure Means and What Companies Need to Do

Business firms must give their workers safety gear when exposed to silica dust. Employers must use building controls like ventilation and wet areas to keep workers from being exposed to silica dust. You could be taken to court or fined if you don't follow OSHA's rules and guidelines.

Safe ways to work with silica

To be safe from silica exposure, workers must follow safe work practices. 

Here are some safe work practices for handling silica dust:

  • To cut down on dust, use technical controls like ventilation systems.

  • Wet down surfaces to reduce dust

  • Use the right safety gear, like respirators and protective clothing, to keep yourself safe.

  • Follow the right cleaning steps to limit your exposure to dust.

  • Teach workers about the dangers of silica contact and safe ways to do their jobs.

  • Watch how much silica dust workers are exposed to.

Besides these steps, there are other ways to keep people safe from silica hazards at work:

  • If you can, use other options for products that contain silica.

  • Use sealed tools to cut, grind, or drill materials that have silica.

  • Use dust collection systems with vacuums to get rid of silica dust at its source.

  • Limit workers' exposure to silica dust by planning jobs when less dust is made.

What a Silica Dust Safety Policy Can Do for You

Safety plans for silica dust make sure that workers follow safe practices and limit their exposure. The plans should include how to handle silica, use PPE, and train workers. These plans should also track how much silica dust people are exposed to and write down events and close calls. Such plans can protect workers from health risks and claims caused by silica dust.

The Role of MSE Environmental in Silica Testing and Inspection

MSE Environmental gives various silica testing and inspection services. This includes the Silica air sampling method, testing water, and testing things. Our experts use high-tech tools to figure out how much silica workers breathe in. This way, we can suggest ways to cut it down.

These services can help firms meet rules on exposure to it and keep workers safe. We find and solve workplace safety and health issues for businesses.

The Leading and Most Reliable Source for Silica Testing and Inspection

MSE Environmental offers safe and sound testing and checking of silica. Our ways of checking and silica testing are the best in the field.

MSE Environmental puts a lot of value on research, customer service, and talking with people. We give the customer what they want. Because we care, clients trust Silica in our tests and checks.

The MSE Environmental Silica Inspection Process:

  1. Interview Client on Occupant Issues

  2. Visual Inspection 

  3. Air Monitoring & Sampling 

  4. HAZCOM: The Hazard Communication Program (HazCom) keeps workers safe from accidents and diseases caused by chemicals. The workers who use chemicals should know what they are and what dangers they bring.

  5. Personal Protective Equipment: PPE is a must for anyone who works with dangerous items.

  6. Corrective Action Management Implementation & Recommendations:

  • Job Site Air Monitoring

  • Worker Exposure Personal Monitoring

What have we learned?

We discussed the Importance of Silica Testing and Inspection for the Safety of the Workers.

Silica testing and other checks are important for the safety of workers. Short-term exposure to silica dust can make it hard for your lungs to do their job. Being exposed for a long time can lead to very bad lung illnesses. Employers can make sure their workers are safe by figuring out what the risks are and keeping them to a minimum.

The Testing and Inspection Services for Silica You Can Count On

Our silica tests and inspection services are the best in the business. We care about quality and safety. Our experts have been given the newest ways and tools for how to test for silica. We also work with our clients to make choices for them and meet their wants. MSE Environmental can help if you need testing and inspection services for silica.